Solid-phase spectrophotometric determination of Нg (II) using xylenol orange
spectrophotometry, analysis, mercury, concentration, sorption, dyes, immobilization, anion exchangerAbstract
The following optimal interaction conditions of mercury with xylenol orange in the phase of the polymeric anion exchanger АВ-178-С1 were determined: maximum extraction (87%) of Hg (II) is achieved at pH 5-7 for 20 minutes of phase contact from the volume of 50 cm3. Quantitative sorption is also possible from 500 cm3 of the solution. Herewith, the concentration coefficient is 1667 cm3/g. The detection limit is 0.2 mcg/cm3. Mercury is not virtually adsorbed by the basis (AB-178). The Baer's law is fulfilled in the mercury concentration range (0,1 – 8,0) 105 М (V = 50сm3). opt = 640 nm.
Complexing of Hg (II) with SP XO is affected by: 1:1- Cu (ІІ), Zn (ІІ), Cd (ІІ), Zr (ІV), Fe (ІІІ); 1:50 - Pb (ІІ), Sn (ІV); 1:100 - Co (ІІ), a.e.m., Br, SO42, F, Al (ІІІ); 1:1000 - NO3.
Chemistry of complexing in the studied system was considered. Ratio of components in the complex - Hg : CO-A = 1 : 1 was determined. Conditional stability constant of the complex lg1 = 16,9 0,5 was calculated.
The data obtained were used to develop a new technique for the SPS determination of mercury (II) in chemicals, which is highly competitive with the best standard techniques by sensitivity, selectivity and promptness, and superior to them by the simplicity of the experiment.
The technique was tested on a model mixture. Data validation was carried out using the "made-found" method. Convergence of results, obtained using the new technique and standard (AAS method), verifies themReferences
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