Justifying parameters for the automatic servo control system of a rotary plate vacuum pump in the milking machine





milking machine, vacuum pump, vacuum pressure, vacuum fluctuation, servo control


The scientific task to improve energy efficiency and ensure the process of vacuum regime stabilization in the operation of milking machines has been solved.

A mathematical model of the process of functioning of the servo control system of a rotary plate vacuum pump was built; the numerical modeling of its workflow was carried out.

This paper reports the results of experimental studies on the influence of the regime parameters of the rotary plate vacuum pump on the efficiency of its operation, as well as the results of experimental research on the servo control system for the rotary plate vacuum pump.

The operational process of the rotary plate vacuum pump HB-1200 for a milking machine was investigated. The influence of mode parameters (rotor speed n and vacuum pressure P) on the performance of the vacuum pump, Qa, vacuum pressure fluctuation, ΔP, and the power consumption of the vacuum pump drive, Np, has been determined.

The servo control system of the rotary plate vacuum pump was experimentally investigated based on the developed algorithms of its operation. In a generally accepted algorithm, vacuum fluctuation increases with increasing an airflow rate: at ΔQa=45 l/min – ΔP=2.3 kPa; at ΔQa=90 l/min – ΔP=4.6 kPa; at ΔQa=135 l/min – ΔP=6.4 kPa. Unlike the generally accepted one, the developed algorithm enables a stable vacuum mode with the largest vacuum fluctuation being ΔP=2.4 kPa.

For the first time, the functional dependence of the influence of the regime parameters of the rotary plate vacuum pump with its automatic servo control system on the stability of the vacuum regime of a milk-vacuum system in the milking machine was established.

The results can be applied when improving milking machines in terms of ensuring the stabilization process of the vacuum regime.

Author Biographies

Elchyn Aliiev, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Professor

Department of Mechanization of Production Processes in Animal Husbandry

Andriy Paliy, State Biotechnological University

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Department of Technologies Animal Husbandry and Poultry

Viktor Kis, State Biotechnological University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Mechatronics and Mashine Elements

Andriy Milenin, State Biotechnological University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Equipment and Engineering of Processing and Food Production

Katerina Ishchenko, State Biotechnological University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Animal Engineering

Anatoliy Paliy, National Scientific Center «Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine»

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor

Laboratory of Veterinary Sanitation and Parasitology

Iruna Levchenko, Sumy National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Рrofessor

Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Animal Products and Cinology

Lyudmila Livoshchenko, Sumy National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Рrofessor

Department of Veterinary Examination, Microbiology, Zoohygiene and Safety and Quality of Livestock Products

Yevheniia Livoshchenko, Sumy National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Рrofessor

Department of Anatomy, Normal and Pathological Physiology

Larisa Plyuta, Sumy National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Рrofessor

Department of Anatomy, Normal and Pathological Physiology


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How to Cite

Aliiev, E., Paliy, A., Kis, V., Milenin, A., Ishchenko, K., Paliy, A., Levchenko, I., Livoshchenko, L., Livoshchenko, Y., & Plyuta, L. (2022). Justifying parameters for the automatic servo control system of a rotary plate vacuum pump in the milking machine . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(1 (118), 80–89. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2022.262215



Engineering technological systems