Explication of the role of digital technologies in marketing management of a modern company





digitalization, marketing management, big data, cloud computing, social media, blockchain


This study considers the use of digitalization technologies in the management of marketing of a commercial company. As a result, the problem of bringing empirical knowledge about the importance of digitalization technologies in the company's marketing management to a theoretical model has been solved. Digitalization technologies for implementation in marketing activities were selected and the decomposition of marketing management in a commercial company was performed. On this basis, a theoretical model for assessing the impact of digitalization technologies on the marketing management of a commercial company has been developed. The results of an empirical study based on the developed theoretical model proved the truth of the hypothesis about the positive impact of the spread of the use of digitalization technologies on the marketing management components of commercial companies. The choice of specific digitalization technologies is explained by the essence of marketing as a management activity. Structural decomposition of the marketing management process is explained by traditional management functions and clarifies the criteria for choosing technologies. The results of calculations according to the formed theoretical model are explained by the development of the platform economy and ecosystems, which involve the studied big data technologies, cloud computing and social media, as well as blockchain. The methodical approach to substantiating the role of digitalization technologies proposed in this study is characterized by the use of fundamental provisions on cybernetic systems, management theory, and modern marketing concepts. The obtained results make it possible to find out the presence and direction of the effects of the spread of the use of digitalization technologies in the company's marketing management and make informed decisions about the business digitalization strategy

Author Biographies

Igor Dunayev, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; Research Center of Economic and Legal Solutions in the Area of Application of Distributed Ledger Technologies

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Director

Department of Economic Policy and Management

Educational and Research Institute “Institute of Public Administration”

Serhii Hromov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Postgraduate Student

Department of Economic Policy and Management

Educational and Research Institute “Institute of Public Administration”

Yuliia Tymchenko, Kyiv Uneversity of Culture

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Event Management, Fashion and Show-Business

Maria Proskurina, Kyiv Uneversity of Culture

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Event Management, Fashion and Show-Business


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Explication of the role of digital technologies in marketing management of a modern company




How to Cite

Dunayev, I., Hromov, S., Tymchenko, Y., & Proskurina, M. (2022). Explication of the role of digital technologies in marketing management of a modern company . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(13 (119), 89–99. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2022.265017



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology