Technology of craft confiture from non-traditional local raw materials
fruit puree, quince puree, craft confiture, green tomato, model compositionsAbstract
Climate change and lower yields require maximum utilization of natural resources. In order to reduce the loss of valuable raw materials, it is relevant to substantiate craft innovative technologies involving local raw materials with maximum resource conservation. Taking into consideration global trends in the production of organic craft products, it has been established that there is a need to introduce resource-saving technologies.
The object of research for the preparation of craft confiture was quince and green tomatoes. We examined 5 samples of confiture with different ratios of quince puree to the green tomato puree. Sensory analysis revealed that compared to the score of the control sample (14.94 points), sample No. 3 (14.87 points) with a ratio of 2:1 quince puree to green tomato puree is rational.
It was found that the viscosity and shear stress indicators for control sample No. 1 and sample No. 3 are quite similar. The measurement results showed that the systems that were investigated have stable structure characteristics of viscous-plastic systems. The research results show that the introduction of green tomato puree into the composition of the model compositions has almost no effect on the viscosity of the masses (sample No. 3) compared to the control sample. The obtained data show that, regardless of the shear rate, the structure is actually the same.
It was established that in the prototype of confiture there are no significant changes in the chemical composition. However, there is a slight decrease in the content of carbohydrates, organic acids, and phenolic compounds, by 20 %, which is associated with a decrease in the quince content and the introduction of green tomatoes into the recipe. The energy value of the new product decreased by 5 %, which is insignificant. Microbiological studies indicate the hygienic safety of manufactured confitures from fruit and vegetable raw materials according to the specified indicators and fully comply with established standards
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Copyright (c) 2022 Oksana Dzyundzya, Artem Antonenko, Tеtіana Brovenko, Galina Tolok, Myroslav Kryvoruchko, Tetiiana Bozhko, Dmytro Antiushko, Svitlana Vezhlivtseva, Tetiana Lebedenko, Nataliia Kovalenko

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