Development technology of functional soft ice cream using beet pectin concentrate and probiotic




functional soft ice cream, beet pectin concentrate, probiotic, heavy metals


Technology of soft ice cream has been developed using beet pectin concentrate (BPC) as a functional component. As an additional component of the probiotic action, the probiotic Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus were introduced in an amount of 0.1 %. The regularities of the influence of BPC on the density and viscosity of prescription mixtures, whipping and resistance to melting of soft ice cream have been established.

With the introduction of more than 10.0 % of BPC, milk proteins coagulated, the texture of the prescription mixture was characterized by heterogeneity, a slight detachment of the aqueous phase was observed; soft ice cream had a slightly flaky texture.

The quality indicators of soft ice cream with different fat content (plombir –14.0 %, creamy – 11.6 %) with the addition of pectin concentrate and probiotic Bifidobacterium + Lactobacillus were studied. Soft ice cream is characterized by high nutritional value (the mass fraction of protein is 2.6–3.2 %, milk fat – 11.0–14.0 %, sucrose – 11.2–11.7 %), contains water-soluble vitamins and pectin (0.5–1.0 %), which is a natural enterosorbent.

The development of technology for the soft use of BPC allows expanding the range of food products enriched with functional ingredients. The introduction of probiotic improves the physiological functionality of the product, in particular, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Supporting Agency

  • This research is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. АP08052416 for young scientists for 2020–2022 years).

Author Biographies

Nurshash Zhexenbay, Almaty Technological University; Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor, Lecturer

Department of Food Technology

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Maigul Kizatova, Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology

Zhanar Nabiyeva, Almaty Technological University


Director of Research Institute

Research Institute of Food Safety

Galiya Iskakova, Almaty Technological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Technology of Bakery Products and Processing Industries

Nataliya Grynchenko, State Biotechnological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Meat Processing Technologies

Andriy Foshchan, State Biotechnological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Food Technology in the Restaurant Industry

Olga Grinchenko, State Biotechnological University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Food Technology in the Restaurant Industry


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Development technology of functional soft ice cream using beet pectin concentrate and probiotic




How to Cite

Zhexenbay, N., Kizatova, M., Nabiyeva, Z., Iskakova, G., Grynchenko, N., Foshchan, A., & Grinchenko, O. (2022). Development technology of functional soft ice cream using beet pectin concentrate and probiotic. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(11 (119), 83–93.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production