The mechanism of pH recalibration by dissolved oxygen in alkaline modified aquaculture seawater




aeration treatment, molecular mechanism, dissolved oxygen, pH recalibration, aquaculture seawater


The balance of dissolved oxygen and pH levels is paramount in aquaculture, as a media for cultivating aquatic organisms under controlled conditions. An imbalance in both oxygen and pH could severely harm the cultured aquatic organisms. Various strategies are used to prevent hypoxia and maintain the pH level of the culture. Interestingly, hypoxia or deprivation of oxygen supply in aquaculture was often reported to co-occur with the seawater acidification. Despite that, there was no evidence that the O2 level was directly linked to pH changes. Thus, the existing treatment strategies are separated between O2 and pH maintenances, which often inflate cost and cause environmental burden due to the use of synthetic chemicals. This study was conducted to observe the mechanism and effect of the O2 addition to aquaculture seawater in molecular level when the pH value of the water was modified. The understanding of the mechanism may lead to an alternative to the harmful aquaculture treatments. The molecular mechanics analysis was applied to examine the mechanism of pH adjustment in non-aerated and aerated seawater. The results indicated that O2 accelerated the pH recalibration of seawater, particularly in the alkaline modified samples compared to the acid modified samples. Mechanical simulations further showed the repulsion between  and O2 causes vibration which shortens OH bond by 17.71 % while elongates O-O bond by 1.00 %. Additionally, the spin coupling between OH- and O2 promotes global energy transfer which stimulates the vibration of the alkaline modified water system. Together, those mechanisms enabled the pH value to return to the baseline. These findings contribute a molecular mechanism view of aquaculture pH maintenance in the presence of O2, as well as revisiting the use of aeration in aquaculture treatment

Supporting Agency

  • The authors are deeply grateful to Yogita A. D. Susanti, Zulkisam Pramudia, Abdul Azis Amin, and Adi Tiya Yanuar from Microbial Resources and Biotechnology research group of the Postgraduate School of Brawijaya University for their assistance.

Author Biographies

Wresti L. Anggayasti, Brawijaya University

Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor

Postgraduate School of Brawijaya University & Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Willy Satrio N., Brawijaya University

Doctor (Mechanical Engineering)

Department of Industrial Engineering

I Nyoman Gede Wardana, Brawijaya University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Andi Kurniawan, Brawijaya University

Doctor of Science, Associate Professor

Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences


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The mechanism of pH recalibration by dissolved oxygen in alkaline modified aquaculture seawater




How to Cite

Anggayasti, W. L., Satrio N., W., Wardana, I. N. G., & Kurniawan, A. (2022). The mechanism of pH recalibration by dissolved oxygen in alkaline modified aquaculture seawater . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(10 (119), 6–13.