Estimates of the impact of information technology on the tourism supply chain performance in Vietnam
information technology, information sharing, electronic data interchange, tourism supply chain performanceAbstract
In the context of the industrial revolution 4.0, information technology (IT) plays an essential role in the supply chain operation. Adopting IT helps companies stay competitive globally. Many researchers have highlighted the influence of IT on supply chain management and performance. It facilitates the linkages between components in the supply chain, minimizes operating costs, and enhances supply chain performance. Furthermore, IT helps increase the speed and quality of information exchange between partners in the supply chain, increasing competitiveness. To develop tourism, the application of information is a prerequisite for success. Currently, most tourism organizations in Vietnam have applied IT in operating their activities. However, new technologies' application and updated processes have not been synchronized. In Vietnam, literature reviews have indicated that there was no research demonstrating the role of IT in the supply chain performance of the tourism industry. This study was conducted to demonstrate the influence of IT on tourism supply chain performance in Vietnam. The level of impact is presented through the intermediary of “information sharing” and “electronic data interchange”. Research data was collected from 154 domestic and international travel agencies. The study has applied structural equation modeling (SEM) to prove the positive impact of IT on information sharing and electronic information exchange, thereby improving the efficiency of the supply chain. Research results have confirmed the significant role of IT in tourism supply chain performance in Vietnam. It concludes that tourism managers need to pay special attention and adequately invest in IT to improve the performance of the tourism supply chain continuously
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