Improvement of the manufacturing method of multi-component paste-like vegetable semi-finished products with a high degree of readiness
blends of purees and pastes, vacuum evaporator, nutrient composition, functional ingredientsAbstract
The object of the study is a multi-component past-like semi-finished product based on apples, Jerusalem artichokes, cranberries and hawthorn, which are natural nutrients with original properties obtained by cooking at 55–60 °C in an experimental vacuum-evaporator.
The method of production of a multi-component semi-finished product has been improved by keeping hawthorn in a 10...15 % NaCl solution with the addition of 1 % citric acid at 20...25 °C for 30...45 minutes. Blanching with hot steam at a temperature of 105...110 °C is carried out for: apple (2...3 min), Jerusalem artichoke (5...8 min) and hawthorn (4...6 min), and cranberries are blanched with water for 1.5...3 min at temperatures of 80...90 °C. Wiping the components followed by recipe-component blending and boiling at 55...60 °C in an experimental vacuum-evaporator.
According to the organoleptic parameters, the puree blend containing: apple – 35 %, Jerusalem artichoke – 30 %, cranberry – 25 % and hawthorn – 10 % with a yellow-orange color has the advantage. The ultimate shear stress (pureed components, Pa) is: apple – 14, Jerusalem artichoke – 322, cranberry – 75, hawthorn – 445. The boiled paste mixture has an increased viscosity by 3.5 times compared to the control.
The heating of the working chamber and the stirrer of the vacuum-evaporating apparatus is carried out by a film resistive electronic heater of the radiating type, providing stabilization of the temperature effect and a 45 % increase in the boiling efficiency compared to the classic vacuum apparatus. The improved method will expand the range of competitive semi-finished products of a wide range of applications with natural nutrients and regulated rheological and functional properties, which will contribute to the production of food products with an immunomodulating effect
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