Identification and damping of low-frequency oscillations based on WAMS data and the revisited residue method – part I




identification of oscillations, WAMS, power system stabilizer, damping, residue method


The results of low-frequency oscillations identification in the Republic of Kazakhstan power grid by using a Wide Area Measurement System are presented and an algorithm for damping low-frequency oscillations is proposed in this paper. Analysis of weakly damped inter-area low-frequency oscillations revealed a constant mode with a frequency range of 0.3‒0.4 Hz. It was determined that at these low-frequency oscillations, the amplitude of active power fluctuations along the transmission line was 150 MW with a duration of 9 minutes. The modal analysis calculation of the Republic of Kazakhstan power system model in the «DigSilent Power Factory» software shows the dangerous low-frequency oscillation modes having a damping ratio is 2.2 % and an eigenfrequency 0.328 Hz. These oscillation modes identified by the real data and in the developed model indicate the incorrect tuning of power system stabilizer parameters at power plants. It is necessary to retune the power system stabilizer parameters whenever changing the system’s and mode’s configurations.

An analysis of existing power system stabilizer tuning methods was performed, and revisited residue method was determined as sufficiently effective. Thus, the developed algorithm for identification and damping of low-frequency oscillation consists of three tasks. The first task is data collection from the Wide Area Measurement System and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system and updating the calculation model based on the current status of equipment (generators, transformers, transmission lines, etc.). The second task is the identification of dangerous electromechanical oscillations and modal analysis based on information obtained in real-time. The third task is tuning the power system stabilizer parameters for damping dangerous low-frequency oscillation modes based on the revisited residue method

Author Biographies

Anur Bektimirov, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications

PhD Student

Department of Electric Power Systems

Om Parkash Malik, University of Calgary

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Emeritus

Department of Electrical and Software Engineering

Almaz Saukhimov, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications


Department of Electric Power Systems

Eugene Didorenko, Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company (KEGOC)

Chief Dispatcher

Department of National dispatch center of the System Operator


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Identification and damping of low-frequency oscillations based on WAMS data and the revisited residue method – part I




How to Cite

Bektimirov, A., Malik, O. P., Saukhimov, A., & Didorenko, E. (2023). Identification and damping of low-frequency oscillations based on WAMS data and the revisited residue method – part I. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(8 (122), 6–17.



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