Determining the role of emotions in the customer journey for culture industries under conditions of information and communication technologies development
emotional value, cultural industries, marketing, consumer solution, Internet, digital platformsAbstract
The object of research is the purchasing behavior of consumers of cultural products. The aim of the study is to determine the model of consumer decision-making about the purchase of cultural products, taking into account the emotional component under the conditions of development of information and communication technologies. It has been established that macroeconomic factors in the formation of marketing of cultural industries are characterized by a number of features, among which the development of information and communication technologies is key. Making a consumer decision regarding a cultural product depends on its economic and cultural values but is determined by its emotional value. The proposed model of influence of emotional value makes it possible to determine the likelihood of a positive consumer decision in relation to a particular cultural product or brand. Evaluation of the impact of the spread of information and communication technologies on the consumption of cultural products proved the existence of a link between the number of Internet subscribers and household spending on culture and recreation. However, most cultural products consumed via the Internet or television are free or obtained free of charge from unofficial sources (the so-called "pirated" content). It was found that half of consumers do not attend cultural events at all due to lack of funds, time, or remoteness of the event. At the same time, the main channels and sources of information of consumers of cultural products are the Internet and television. It has been established that emotional marketing realizes itself as fully as possible through a loop-like model of bringing commercially important information to the final consumer of cultural products. In this process, digital marketing technologies, especially digital platforms, play a key role as a tool. The practical significance is in the possibilities of applying the data obtained in the process of developing marketing programs for subjects of cultural industries.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yuliia Tymchenko, Mariia Proskurina, Taras Hryhorchuk, Lesya Chervinska, Vadym Ratynskiy, Svitlana Shpylyk, Olga Krause, Iryna Pinyak, Iryna Lebedynets, Oleksandr Nosyriev

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