Optimization of business processes in investment using automation technology, financial calculations, and risk assessment methods
business processes in investment, information technology, rate of return, financial calculations, β coefficientAbstract
This work considers the optimization and development of business processes in investment. The conditions for the digitalization of the economy actualize the issue of introducing information technologies at all its levels and links. It is proved that information technology is an effective tool for reducing the time for the implementation of individual business processes and in investment. Its use expands the possibilities of exchanging information and its dissemination to the general public, improves the quality of investment tasks and the objectivity of investment decision-making results. Experimental studies have confirmed that the result of its application is the efficiency of obtaining, processing, and analyzing information when making management decisions. The visual content of the results of investment analysis, obtained using automation technologies, facilitates the perception of information, improves the quality of its transmission, and the value of ideas. The continuous development of information technologies in the field of investment is the basis for further scientific and practical research in this area. Based on such considerations, the feasibility of modifying the methodical toolkit of financial calculations in the process of analyzing the effectiveness of investment implementation is justified. Models of the modified internal rate of return on investment and the rate of return on financial management are proposed. Based on their definition, the objectivity of evaluating investments increases, the effectiveness of cash flow management during their implementation is proved. Strengthening the manifestation of crisis phenomena actualize the study of the nature of the occurrence of risks and the degree of their controllability. The approach to assessing investment risks using the β coefficient, the calculation technology, which is a universal tool for assessing the impact of systemic risks at the macro and micro levels, is substantiated.
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