Development of control software for self-organizing intelligent mobile robots




multiagent system, mobile robots, formation control, pattern formation


Maintaining a specific geometric formation during the movement is crucial for multiagent systems of mobile robots in various applications. Proper coordination can lead to reduced system costs, increased reliability and efficiency, and system adaptability and flexibility.

This research proposes a novel movement coordination method for self-governing multiagent systems of intelligent mobile robots. The proposed method uses a leader-follower technique with a virtual leader to maintain a specific geometric structure. Additionally, the epsilon greedy algorithm is utilized to avoid loops. To reduce power consumption, it is proposed to turn on only a few robots' lidars at a time. They could drive all the robots in the group, allowing them to reach the goal without colliding with obstacles.

Experiments on a complex map with nine robots were conducted to test the method's effectiveness. The success rate of the swarm reaching the target position and the number of steps needed were evaluated. Testing varied angular velocities of 1 to 20 degrees and linear velocities of 0.1 to 5.5 m/s. Results show the method effectively guides the robots without collisions.

This method enables a group of self-governing multiagent systems of intelligent mobile robots to maintain a desired formation while avoiding obstacles and reducing power consumption. The results of the experimental study demonstrate the method's potential to be implemented in real-world missions and traffic management systems to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

The proposed method can be utilized in military missions and traffic management systems, where maintaining a specific geometric formation is crucial. The method's ability to avoid obstacles and reduce power consumption can also lead to reduced costs and increased efficiency.

Author Biographies

Daulet Toibazarov, National Defense University named after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Associate Professor

Department of Education and Science

Gani Baiseitov, LLP "Research & Development Center "Kazakhstan Engineering"

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Colonel

Department of Education and Science

Abzal Kyzyrkanov, Astana IT University


Department of Computer Engineering

Shadi Aljawarneh, Jordan University of Science and Technology

Full Professor

Department of Software Engineering

Sabyrzhan Atanov, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Full Professor

Department of Computer and Software Engineering


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Development of control software for self-organizing intelligent mobile robots




How to Cite

Toibazarov, D., Baiseitov, G., Kyzyrkanov, A., Aljawarneh, S., & Atanov, S. (2023). Development of control software for self-organizing intelligent mobile robots. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(9 (122), 46–58.



Information and controlling system