Development of information and communication technologies to study consumer behavior in the process of brand management




information and communication technologies, consumer behavior, brand value, brand management, brand life cycle


This paper investigates tendencies in the development of information and communication technologies for studying consumer behavior in the process of brand management. Trends in consumer behavior have been identified – strengthening environmental awareness and ethics, spreading e-commerce, increasing mobile experience, strengthening the role of personification, etc. The influence of changes in consumer behavior on the process of positioning and promotion of brands was substantiated. The expectations and actions of consumers and directions of the process of brand management as a result of transformation of consumption were characterized. Attention is focused on the role played by information and communication technologies in the study of consumer behavior in the process of brand management. The basic tools by types of information and communication technologies were systematized. It was determined that the main type of information and communication technologies, due to which a high degree of personalization is ensured, are social networks. In addition, technologies for analyzing web data, e-mail, mobile device data were used to study consumer behavior. A three-dimensional model of studying consumer behavior in the process of brand management has been proposed, which takes into account the components of consumer behavior, which needs to be investigated, the stage of the brand's life cycle, technologies for studying consumer behavior. A matrix of choice of appropriate information and communication technologies for studying consumer behavior at different stages of the brand life cycle has been formed. The practical use of the proposed methodological approach will provide more reliable information on various components of consumer behavior. This could create prerequisites for developing an effective strategy for positioning and brand promotion

Author Biographies

Kateryna Yahelska, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Marketing

Liubov Vasylyshyna, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Marketing

Yevhen Shkurov, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Journalism and Advertising


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Development of information and communication technologies to study consumer behavior in the process of brand management




How to Cite

Yahelska, K., Vasylyshyna, L., & Shkurov, Y. (2023). Development of information and communication technologies to study consumer behavior in the process of brand management. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(13 (123), 34–41.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology