Improving the jelly plum juice technology by using secondary products of oil production




juice yield, juice quality, wheat germ meal, rosehip meal


A significant issue related to using pectin-containing raw materials in the production of juices is the reduced yield of the finished product and the formation of a significant amount of waste. It is proposed to consider the possibility of using wheat germ meal and rosehip fruit meal to increase the yield of jelly plum juice by treating with pomace additives. The rich chemical composition of the proposed additives will enrich the juice with essential substances.

It has been experimentally established that in order to increase the yield of jelly plum juice fortified with meal, it is advisable to ferment the pomace for 60 and 90 minutes, followed by pressing. This technological method will make it possible to increase the output of the finished product by adding wheat germ meal, by 11.4–36.1 % and 29.2–45.2 %, respectively; when fortified with rosehip fruit meal, by 15.3–35.0 and 28.8–46.9 %, respectively. In both cases, this occurs due to the hydrolysis of substances in fruit cells: for a first meal – due to its significant enzymatic activity, for a second meal – due to its high acidity.

It has been proven that the high content of nutrients in the meal contributes to the enrichment of jelly plum juice with proteins, non-starch polysaccharides, and vitamin C.

It was established that in order to achieve high product quality, it is advisable to use wheat germ meal in the amount of 5 %, and rosehip fruit meal – 5–7 % in addition to the total weight of plums.

The data reported in this work could be of practical importance at canning industry enterprises. Owing to the proposed technological solutions, manufacturers will be able to increase the profitability of production, reduce the amount of waste that pollutes the environment, and obtain jelly plum juice of enhanced nutritional value with competitive quality indicators

Author Biographies

Nadiia Lapytska, T. H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”

Doctor of Philosofy (PhD)

Department of Chemistry, Technology and Pharmacy

Olga Syza, T. H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Рrofessor

Department of Chemistry, Technology and Pharmacy

Olena Gorodyska, T. H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”


Department of Chemistry, Technology and Pharmacy

Olesya Savchenko, T. H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry, Technology and Pharmacy

Euvgene Rebenok, T. H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”


Department of Chemistry, Technology and Pharmacy


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Improving the jelly plum juice technology by using secondary products of oil production




How to Cite

Lapytska, N., Syza, O., Gorodyska, O., Savchenko, O., & Rebenok, E. (2023). Improving the jelly plum juice technology by using secondary products of oil production. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(11 (123), 68–77.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production