Devising a comprehensive method to manage digital competencies




cyber business management, personal data, digital literacy, integrated method, efficiency, competence


Researching the changes that are taking place in the era of digitalization makes it possible to track the digital footprint of consumers and form new trends and models in business management. The object of this study is the digital literacy of citizens. The vast majority of society cannot imagine their life without online activity, viewing web pages, sites, and social networks. That is why there is an increasing need to expand knowledge of digital literacy. The purpose of this research is the formation of the "BEST" matrix, which makes it possible to determine the level of knowledge and possession of digital competencies of the staff. For diagnosis, 10 criteria were selected, and the specific weight of each of them was calculated, which was summarized in the survey form. Determination of the importance of each factor is carried out by the method of expert assessment, taking into account that the overall coefficient of importance=1 for each group of factors. Achieving maximum efficiency (5‒10 points) will ensure a stay in the "S" segment of the matrix, which indicates a high level of business process management, knowledge and compliance with the descriptors of digital competencies by the staff. This contributes to the solution of the problem of knowledge of the descriptors of digital literacy and makes it possible to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, as well as to repulse cyber attacks in a timely manner. The application of defined digital competencies will allow making optimal decisions in the process of applying digital skills, while ensuring the uniqueness of digital literacy in business management. The results can be used by enterprise managers to analyze and build countermeasures against data leaks or cyber attacks. This will contribute to the establishment of cooperation between enterprises and stakeholders and the formation of consumer trust

Author Biographies

Yaroslav Shestack, State University of Trade and Economics

Senior Lecturer


Information and Computing Center of the Main Center of Information Technologies

Department of Software Engineering and Cybersecurity

Yuliia Biliavska, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management

Valerii Osetskyi, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Economic Theory, Macro- and Microeconomics

Nelya Mykytenko, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management

Yurii Umantsiv, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Economics and Competition Policy


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Devising a comprehensive method to manage digital competencies




How to Cite

Shestack, Y., Biliavska, Y., Osetskyi, V., Mykytenko, N., & Umantsiv, Y. (2023). Devising a comprehensive method to manage digital competencies. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(13 (123), 86–97.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology