Optimization of technological parameters in the production of cereal beverages fortified with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids





cereal drink, Omega-3, fortification, functional drink, amino acid score, fatty acid composition, optimization of technological parameters


The object of this study was cereal drinks fortified with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: rice (product 1), oat (product 2), buckwheat (product 3). The purpose of the research was to optimize technological parameters in the production of such beverages.

A mathematical model was built in the form of three regression equations describing the influence of grinding size (K), roasting temperature (Т), and roasting duration (t) on three output variables: oat, buckwheat, and rice protein content. Statistical analysis of the obtained equations showed that they are adequate in the selected area of planning: K=0.66–2.34 mm, T=133–217 °С, t=3.3–11.7 min.

Studies were conducted to determine quality indicators, chemical composition, biological and nutritional value of the developed cereal drinks, in comparison with the control version.

It has been established that the content of fatty acid composition of cereal drinks differs markedly. The minimum share of saturated fatty acids was established in product No. 3, without fortification – 10.43 %. The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids ranged from 82.09 % (product 1) to 89.57 % (product 3). The highest omega-3 content was found in product 2, with fortification – 1.34 %, and the lowest – in product 1, without fortification – 0.27 %.

The introduction of a filler in cereal drinks made it possible to add protein, thereby increasing the biological value. According to the content of essential amino acids, the devised product is characterized by a high content of essential amino acids, exceeding the FAO/WHO ideal protein scale, which allows us to draw a conclusion about the high biological value of the developed product.

The analysis of the mathematical model built established that an increase in the coarseness of grinding leads to a decrease in the protein content in the entire investigated range of values of this factor

Author Biographies

Aigerim Khastayeva, JSC "Kazakh University of Technology and Business"

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technology and Standardization

Almira Bekturganova, JSC "Kazakh University of Technology and Business"

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technology and Standardization

Aigul Omaraliyeva, JSC "Kazakh University of Technology and Business"

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technology and Standardization

Almas Serikov, JSC "Kazakh University of Technology and Business"


Department of Technology and Standardization

Aidana Myrzhykbayeva, Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

PhD Student

Department of Technology and Safety of Food Products


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Optimization of technological parameters in the production of cereal beverages fortified with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids




How to Cite

Khastayeva, A., Bekturganova, A., Omaraliyeva, A., Serikov, A., & Myrzhykbayeva, A. (2023). Optimization of technological parameters in the production of cereal beverages fortified with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(11 (123), 78–88. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2023.282694



Technology and Equipment of Food Production