Identification of the nature of defects arising in the production of continuously cast pipe billets for the oil and gas industry




pipe steel, non-metallic inclusions, longitudinal cracks, oil and gas industry, continuous casting


The paper presents the results of studies of defects that occur in the production of continuously cast pipe blanks for the oil and gas industry. It is shown that the use of the technology of continuous casting of pipe billets in comparison with the traditional methods of pouring liquid steel into a mold has a number of advantages, among which is the high productivity of the technological process. However, it was noted that in many cases, an abnormally high degree of contamination with non-metallic inclusions is observed in the structure of the steel of continuously cast pipe billets.

It was revealed that the largest inclusions are oxides of silicon and manganese. On the surface of the pipes, there are defects in the form of oxide spots, near which there are large non-metallic inclusions. On the surface of the oxide spot, the presence of iron oxides in the form of scale is found, which is a consequence of the secondary oxidation of the metal by air oxygen.

A mechanism for the development of oxide spots and decarburized strips in pipe billets has been determined, which consists in the formation of defects in the form of scratches and cracks on the surface before rolling. These defects during heating for rolling lead to the oxidation of the metal and the formation of scale on the surface of the pipe blanks. The results of experimental studies on the development of recommendations for improving the quality of the initial metal of seamless pipes for the oil and gas industry are presented. The study of the microstructure of steel and the assessment of its contamination with non-metallic inclusions were carried out on optical and electron microscopes, and the mechanical properties of pipe blanks were studied by standard methods

Author Biographies

Arif Mammadov, Azerbaijan Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor-Advisor

Department of Metallurgy and Technology of Materials

Agil Babaev, Azerbaijan Technical University

PhD, Associate Professor, Manager

Department of Metallurgy and Technology of Materials

Nizami Ismailov, Azerbaijan Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Metallurgy and Technology of Materials

Mukhtar Huseinov, Azerbaijan Technical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Metallurgy and Technology of Materials

Faiq Guliyev, Azerbaijan Technical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Metallurgy and Technology of Materials


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Identification of the nature of defects arising in the production of continuously cast pipe billets for the oil and gas industry




How to Cite

Mammadov, A., Babaev, A., Ismailov, N., Huseinov, M., & Guliyev, F. (2023). Identification of the nature of defects arising in the production of continuously cast pipe billets for the oil and gas industry . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(1 (124), 125–133.



Engineering technological systems