Analysis of the impact of the railway allowance policy and the increase in fines for loaded trucks on the transfer of modes to rail transportation types




freight transportation, Java north coast road, logistics policy, railway allowance, structural equation modeling


Currently, cargo trucks dominate logistics transportation, so the condition of the Pantura (Java North Coast Road) route is quite poor and often suffers severe damage even though it has been repaired. If there is no solution to the high volume of trucks on the coastal route, then the budget for repairing the coastal route will continue to increase, so researchers want to minimize the repair of the coastal route by switching modes from trucks to trains. One of the ways that previous researchers have found is one of the policies to be able to support mode shift by giving allowance to trains and increasing the fines of freight trucks. Therefore, researchers investigated many policies connected to the increase in fines for freight vehicles on the railway, as well as allowances. Analysis regarding the impact caused by the policy will be included. According to the SEM-PLS model, preferences are indirectly impacted by existing and perceptions, with existing and perceptions intermediary path scores with high preferences. The fines variable, on the other hand, is not a good preference for mode shift policies. Business merchants that have a positive perception of rail transportation offered a considerably greater response for rail transportation allowances. Therefore, they will seek to utilize the train. The perception variable influenced the amount of the proposed train allowance policy, but not the freight truck fines policy. Train allowance and truck fines policies can be utilized in conjunction with one another, depending on the logistical conditions in a given location. Because this is a logistics network in Indonesia, an archipelago country where trucks are more flexible if they want to travel between islands, train allowance is the best choice to support mode shift persuasively and maximize the potential of trains for travel within the island

Supporting Agency

  • The authors are grateful to the lecturers of Universitas Brawijaya who helped us to complete this manuscript.

Author Biographies

Zony Yulfadli, Brawijaya University

Civil Engineering, Doctoral Student

Department of Civil Engineering

Muhammad Zainul Arifin, Brawijaya University

Civil Engineering, Lecturer

Department of Civil Engineering

Ludfi Djakfar, Brawijaya University

Civil Engineering, Lecturer

Department of Civil Engineering

Achmad Wicaksono, Brawijaya University

Civil Engineering, Lecturer

Department of Civil Engineering

Moch. Abdillah Nafis, Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology

Master of Technology Management


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Analysis of the impact of the railway allowance policy and the increase in fines for loaded trucks on the transfer of modes to rail transportation types




How to Cite

Yulfadli, Z., Arifin, M. Z., Djakfar, L., Wicaksono, A., & Nafis, M. A. (2023). Analysis of the impact of the railway allowance policy and the increase in fines for loaded trucks on the transfer of modes to rail transportation types. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(3 (124), 54–59.



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