Improving the operational efficiency of control centers for emergency events by using GIS technologies




crisis center, control centers, emergency event, geoinformation systems, MARPLOT, CAMEO, ALOHA, evacuation


The object of the study is the functioning of control centers during emergencies.

Ukraine has faced large-scale emergency events caused by Russian aggression. The experience of crisis management in emergency events showed the need to find new solutions and improve the activities of emergency management centers at the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and GIS technologies in decision-making support systems.

The curent paper has formulated a conceptual model of the work of emergency management centers at the Emergency Service of Ukraine; based on it, their main functions were formed. Identification of risks for objects that carry potential danger was carried out and a block diagram of object risk assessment was developed to improve the work of emergency control centers at the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. An approximate list of software and online resources for the operation of emergency management centers at Emergency Service of Ukraine is provided, which makes it possible to summarize the risks that are present in the given territory, isolate them, and pay special attention to prevent possible consequences from them.

Based on the computer software MARPLOT, CAMEO, and ALOHA, an example of response to an emergency event was described. In this case, the weather conditions, physico-chemical parameters of the dangerous substance, and the radii of the danger zones of its distribution and the number of people who need to be evacuated were taken into account. In practice, having this knowledge, a head of the emergency management center at the State Emergency Service of Ukraine will be able to effectively manage people without exposing them to danger, as well as conduct timely evacuation. The use of these programs makes it possible to reduce the time of hazard assessment and visualize them, which creates advantages over the existing methodology of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in terms of speed of hazard assessment.

The results have made it possible to solve the problem of increasing the efficiency of the emergency management centers at the Emergency Service of Ukraine and to create the prerequisites for building a geo-information portal that could combine various methods and techniques on one platform

Author Biographies

Sergiy Yemelyanenko, Lviv State University of Life Safety

PhD, Senior Researcher, Head of Department

Department of Organization of Research Activities

Andriy Kuzyk, Lviv State University of Life Safety

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Ecological Safety

Andriy Ivanusa, Lviv State University of Life Safety

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Fire Tactics and Emergency Rescue Operations

Danyil Behen, Lviv State University of Life Safety


Department of Organization of Research Activities

Roman Koval, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

Leading Specialist

Department of Personnel

Yevhen Morshch, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Department of Physics and Information Security Systems

Institute of Physics and Technology


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Improving the operational efficiency of control centers for emergency events by using GIS technologies




How to Cite

Yemelyanenko, S., Kuzyk, A., Ivanusa, A., Behen, D., Koval, R., & Morshch, Y. (2023). Improving the operational efficiency of control centers for emergency events by using GIS technologies . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(10 (124), 37–49.