Development of biotechnologically transesterified three-component fat systems stable to oxidation




biotechnological transesterification, fat systems, fat peroxide value, oxidation induction period


The object of the research is the period of induction of accelerated oxidation of biotechnologically transesterified fatty systems that do not contain trans isomers of fatty acids. The paper defines the rational ratio of fatty raw materials in mixtures for biotechnological transesterification. The results obtained make it possible to develop biotechnologically transesterified three-component fat systems (palm stearin, coconut and sunflower, or soybean, or corn, or sesame oil) to obtain substitutes for milk fat. The proposed calculation of melting points of transesterified fat systems of a wide range of ratios of raw components allows us to justify such rational ratios of components that allow obtaining finished products with a melting point of 33.0...33.5 °С. It is effective to use the products of the developed composition in view of the technological requirements of consumers for their oxidizing capacity. The data obtained in the work are explained by the fatty acid and antioxidant composition of low-melting components of fat systems in a different range of their ratios, which determines different technological properties, in particular, the melting point and stability to oxidation of finished products. A feature of the obtained results is the competitiveness of the obtained fat systems, which are characterized by the absence of atherogenic components and the presence of biologically valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids in the composition. The results of the research make it possible to minimize the cost of raw components while preserving the nutritional value and technological characteristics. An applied aspect of using the scientific result is the possibility of expanding the range of milk fat substitutes with high nutritional value

Author Biographies

Anna Belinska, Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Oils and Fats of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Studies of Technology for Processing Oils And Fats

Olga Bliznjuk, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Biotechnology, Biophysics and Analytical Chemistry

Nataliia Masalitina, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Biotechnology, Biophysics and Analytical Chemistry

Iryna Bielykh, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Biotechnology, Biophysics and Analytical Chemistry

Oksana Zviahintseva, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Biotechnology, Biophysics and Analytical Chemistry

Tatyana Gontar, Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy


Department of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourist Business

Serhii Stankevych, State Biotechnological University


Department of Zoology, Entomology, Phytopathology, Integrated Plant Protection and Quarantine named after B. M. Litvynova

Inna Zabrodina, State Biotechnological University


Department of Zoology, Entomology, Phytopathology, Integrated Plant Protection and Quarantine named after B. M. Litvynova

Oleksandra Mandych, State Biotechnological University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance

Galyna Stepankova, State Biotechnological University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Bakery and Confectionary Technology


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Development of biotechnologically transesterified three-component fat systems stable to oxidation




How to Cite

Belinska, A., Bliznjuk, O., Masalitina, N., Bielykh, I., Zviahintseva, O., Gontar, T., Stankevych, S., Zabrodina, I., Mandych, O., & Stepankova, G. (2023). Development of biotechnologically transesterified three-component fat systems stable to oxidation. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(6 (125), 21–28.



Technology organic and inorganic substances