Assessing the provision of innovative technologies for the growth of corporate social responsibility in Lithuania




matrix business model, provision assessment, innovative technologies, corporate social responsibility


The object of this study is the assessment of the provision of innovative technologies for the growth of corporate social responsibility by types of economic activity in Lithuania.

In the course of the research, the problem of determining the level of provision of corporate social responsibility with innovative technologies as a factor of its growth was solved; establishing a benchmark for the regularity of the growth of corporate social responsibility by types of economic activity in Lithuania.

As a result of the study, an integral indicator of the provision of innovative technologies for the growth of corporate social responsibility by types of economic activity in Lithuania was obtained, which does not correspond to the reference model of the pattern of growth for each.

The peculiarity of this study is the comprehensive approach, which takes into account the multi-component content of corporate social responsibility, its relationship with internal and external elements of the socio-economic system, namely its growth, based on the use of innovative technologies.

A distinctive feature of the results, owing to which they made it possible to solve the set tasks, is multidimensionality, that is, the structure, dynamics, relationship of the research object were taken into account, quantitative and qualitative indicators were used, and a complex methodological toolkit of matrix business modeling.

The results of the study make it possible to determine in practice the level of assurance of the growth of corporate social responsibility by innovative technologies. Taking into account deviations from the reference model of growth patterns, make decisions about the introduction of certain types of innovative technologies in certain components of corporate social responsibility.

Author Biographies

Oleksandra Rozhenko, Klaipeda University

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Maryna Iurchenko, Klaipeda University

PhD of Physical and Mathematical Science, Associate Professor

Department of Informatics and Statistics

Vytautas Juscius, Klaipeda University

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Department of Economics


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Assessing the provision of innovative technologies for the growth of corporate social responsibility in Lithuania




How to Cite

Rozhenko, O., Iurchenko, M., & Juscius, V. (2023). Assessing the provision of innovative technologies for the growth of corporate social responsibility in Lithuania. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(13 (125), 26–35.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology