A research analysis: the implementation of innovative energy technologies and their alignment with SDG 12
innovative energy technology, renewable energy, energy transition, sustainable consumption, sustainable productionAbstract
The object of the research is the alignment of innovative energy technologies with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, which pertains to sustainable consumption and production. The problem to be solved – there is an ambiguity regarding how these technologies contribute to SDG 12. This study aims to conduct a strategic analysis of external factors influencing innovative energy technologies from the perspective of SDG 12. The results show that innovative energy technologies, like bioenergy, geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, and ocean energy, enhance energy efficiency, cut emissions, and reduce waste and toxins. These technologies align with SDG 12 and are shaped by various legislations. They intersect with the shift from fossil fuels, requiring analysis in the context of other UN SDGs. Legal frameworks must adapt to innovative energy technologies. The findings highlight that innovative energy technologies support SDG 12 by ensuring energy efficiency and reducing emissions. These technologies address economic and environmental challenges, promote sustainable progress and economic growth, enhance business competitiveness, stabilize prices, diversify energy sources, ensure national energy security and reduce energy poverty. The scope and conditions for practical application of the results of this research provide valuable insights for the scientific community, energy companies, policymakers, and investors in the energy sector. They can be used to inform decisions and strategies aimed at aligning energy technologies with the objectives of SDG 12. However, the implementation and effectiveness of these technologies also depend on regulatory support, industry collaboration, and public acceptance of new energy solutions.
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- We all know each other thanks to The Eureca-Pro Alliance. We would also like to express our gratitude to all those who contributed to and helped develop this article, with special thanks to the editor and reviewers whose diligent efforts improved the quality of the article.
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