Technology of applying a multifunctional homogenizer assembly for carbamide-ammonium mixture preparation
multifunctional homogenizer assembly, rotary devices, carbamide-ammonium mixture, precision agricultureAbstract
This paper considers the technological process of preparing carbamide-ammonium mixture using a multifunctional homogenizer assembly. The study object is the work process in the flow part of the multifunctional homogenizer assembly. Carbamide-ammonium mixture is used to feed plants with nitrogen, which is one of the main macro elements necessary for their growth and development. Nitrogen contributes to the formation of proteins, enzymes, and other important organic compounds, which are necessary for healthy plant growth and crop formation. Production of carbamide-ammonium mixture includes several stages, such as mechanical, hydromechanical, thermal, mass exchange, and chemical processes. To optimize these processes, a multifunctional homogenizer assembly of the rotary-dynamic principle of action was designed, which is capable of simultaneously performing all stages of carbamide-ammonium mixture preparation. A test bench was constructed to study the process of preparing carbamide-ammonium mixture and the sample was analyzed for nutrient content. The designed unit is capable of preparing about 30 liters of ready-made KAS-32 mixture in 10 minutes. The energy indicators obtained as a result of parametric tests are: head H=22.1 m, power N=27 kW, with productivity Q=5 m3/h. The use of such technology makes it possible to implement the principles of precision agriculture under the conditions of small-scale production, thereby increasing the efficiency of land cultivation. There is also the possibility of using equipment of this type for other needs, for example, for the preparation of liquid complex fertilizers and growth stimulants based on humates. Further development based on this assembly includes the construction of an automatic component supply line and the formation of a closed production cycle system
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