Formation of quality indicators of products based on fruits and berries




technological solutions, unique ingredients, antioxidant activity, immunomodulating properties, stabilization of bioflavonoids


Fruits and berries are an integral part of a healthy diet. The seasonality of production, short-term preservation in fresh form predetermines the need for their processing in order to provide the population with the necessary nutrients year-round.

Common sauces are tomato and mayonnaise sauces. The assortment of fruit sauces is limited, and the traditional technologies of their production do not make it possible to preserve the biologically active substances of vegetable raw materials in them as much as possible and do not always differ in high organoleptic indicators.

The established relationship between the quality of the fruit product, its color, nutritional value, and digestibility is directly dependent on polyphenols, which are chemically active and extremely unstable.

One of the adopted technological solutions aimed at preserving the polyphenols of cherries and black currants during the development of sauce technology is the use of aromatic plant raw materials widely distributed in Ukraine. Previous studies have suggested that the leaves of black currant, walnut, oregano, elderflower, and chamomile flowers are able to preserve polyphenols from oxidation.

Studies have confirmed the assumptions. It was established that the adopted concentrations of additives are optimal and make it possible to preserve cherry and blackcurrant bioflavonoids by 34...82 % more compared to traditional products. According to the organoleptic parameters, the products are advantageously distinguished by their intense color and pleasant aroma, characteristic of the raw materials.

The radioprotective properties of cherry and blackcurrant sauces were investigated. Their positive influence on the removal of radionuclides from the body has been proven. Sauces reliably have radioprotective, immunomodulating properties and can be used in therapeutic and preventive and baby nutrition

Author Biographies

Oksana Davydova, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business

Nataliia Cherevychna, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business

Dmytro Kramarenko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business

Svitlana Sysoieva, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business

Krystyna Nechepurenko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics


Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business


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Formation of quality indicators of products based on fruits and berries




How to Cite

Davydova, O., Cherevychna, N., Kramarenko, D., Sysoieva, S., & Nechepurenko, K. (2023). Formation of quality indicators of products based on fruits and berries. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(11 (126), 73–82.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production