Development of technology of cooked sausages with a changed fatty acid composition for military personnel in the Armed Forces of Ukraine




fatty acids, essential nutrients, fat emulsion, olive oil, internal pork fat


The peculiarities of the nutrition of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the requirements for the chemical composition of daily rations, and calorie content were analyzed. It was established that the diet of the military has an insufficient volume of proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins, in particular, vitamins A and C. It is noted that the food of the analyzed category of people contains an excess of lipids, which are unbalanced in terms of fatty acid composition. Boiled sausage with a changed chemical composition is proposed to ensure the rational nutrition of military personnel.

The justified formulation and technology of boiled sausage are presented.

A feature of the development is the use of fat emulsion from internal pork fat and olive oil in a ratio of 1:1. To stabilize the emulsion, dry milk was added in the amount prescribed by the recipe. It was established that the addition of fat emulsion to the hydrated proteins of low-fat raw materials, beef and chicken, made it possible to stabilize the minced meat system, to obtain a tender, juicy and, at the same time, elastic consistency.

The combination of internal pork fat and olive oil in the recipe of cooked sausage made it possible to increase the mass share of poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids by 10.5 % and reduce the share of saturated fatty acids. However, the use of only two fats did not balance the proportion of ω-3 fatty acids. To enrich ω-3 fatty acids, it is recommended to add soybean or rapeseed oil.

The use of dietary chicken, fats rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin C allowed us to devise a recipe for cooked sausage of high quality and a changed chemical composition. Consumption of this product could balance the diet and increase the resistance of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to negative external factors

Author Biographies

Oksana Savinok, Odessa National Maritime University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Entrepreneurship and Tourism

Nadia Novgorodska, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Food Technology and Microbiology

Svitlana Ovsienko, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Food Technology and Microbiology


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Development of technology of cooked sausages with a changed fatty acid composition for military personnel in the Armed Forces of Ukraine




How to Cite

Savinok, O., Novgorodska, N., & Ovsienko, S. (2023). Development of technology of cooked sausages with a changed fatty acid composition for military personnel in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(11 (126), 24–32.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production