Media planning of digital advertising campaigns
digital marketing, advertising, digital advertising campaigns, strategies, GoogleAds, media planning, media planAbstract
Under the conditions of digitalization of all sectors of social production, the study of types and features of digital advertising and its media planning acquires special importance and requires in-depth analysis. The object of research is media planning of digital advertising campaigns. The problem is the lack of a holistic scientific and practical approach to the process of media planning of advertising campaigns in the digital environment. The main criteria for the systematization of digital advertising have been identified, and the relationship between its types for the purposes of media planning was substantiated. Based on the comparison of pricing models and key metrics of digital advertising, the digital sales funnel was substantiated as the basis of media planning. The connection of goals and objectives of digital advertising campaigns with digital marketing strategies was proven, with appropriate advertising tools and digital marketing tools suggested. The project approach to media planning of digital advertising campaigns was substantiated. This made it possible to detail goals and tasks for each stage, to highlight the components of media planning. The quantitative result of the study is a fragment of the media plan of an online store of an enterprise that specializes in the production and sale of branded clothing. It has been proven that the media plan is part of the process of preparing a digital advertising campaign. Therefore, it cannot be considered in isolation from other components of this preparation and further implementation of the advertising campaign. The need to use other digital marketing tools during digital advertising campaigns was substantiated. This, due to the synergy effect, could contribute to increasing their predictive efficiency. Practical use of the proposed approach to media planning of digital advertising campaigns will ensure cost optimization due to budget redistribution and improvement of their effectiveness
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