Determining the psycho-emotional state of the observed based on the analysis of video observations




computer vision, physical aggression, emotional reaction, bullying, model training, neural network


This paper develops a system for determining the psycho-emotional state of the observed people based on the analysis of video surveillance with the application of artificial intelligence technology using hardware and software tools such as PoseNet, PyTorch, SQLite, FastAPI and Flask. In many areas of human endeavor, there is an urgent need for a surveillance system that can reliably function and detect suspicious activities. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a novel framework for a real-time surveillance system that automatically detects abnormal human activities.

The system has been tested and validated in real environments. The results of testing artificial intelligence program models showed the best results (f1 score with values of 0.98–0.99). The weighted average value of the f1-score metric was 0.96, which is quite a high value. The use of PoseNet implemented with PyTorch allowed to accurately determine the pose of the person in the video and extract information about the position of different body parts. The peculiarity of this work lies in the development of artificial intelligence models for automatic detection of possible physical aggression in videos, in the methods of forming an optimal set of features for the development of AI models that identify the aggressor and the victim of bullying.

The developed system has the potential to be a useful tool in various fields such as psychology, medicine, security and others where it is important to analyze the emotional state of people based on their physical manifestations. The obtained applied results can be used in educational institutions and in spheres where video analysis is necessary

Author Biographies

Yedilkhan Amirgaliyev, Institute of Information and Computational Technologies

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of Laboratory

Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Iurii Krak, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Theoretical Cybernetics

Indira Bukenova, Almaty Technological University

Master of Technical Sciences, Lecturer

Department of Information Systems

Bayan Kazangapova, Almaty Technological University

Associate Professor

Department of Technology

Gani Bukenov, Almaty Technological University

Master of Mathematics, Lecturer

Department of Information Systems


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Determining the psycho-emotional state of the observed based on the analysis of video observations




How to Cite

Amirgaliyev, Y., Krak, I., Bukenova, I., Kazangapova, B., & Bukenov, G. (2024). Determining the psycho-emotional state of the observed based on the analysis of video observations. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(2 (127), 45–53.