Ensuring uniformity of strength of fine-grained concrete based on modified composite cement





fine-grained concrete, composite cement, concrete modification, surfactants, water activation


Insufficient determination of the effect of surface-active substances introduced in extremely low concentrations on the formation of the stability of the properties of fine-grained concrete based on composite Portland cements determined the feasibility of conducting research in this area. The studies investigated the influence of the modification of composite cement with water activated by the use of the hydrophilic hydration mechanism. It has been proven that these factors include the type and amount of applied water nano modifiers. The analysis of the study results confirmed that the introduction of water activated by the mechanism of hydrophilic hydration into concrete in extremely small doses significantly increases the rate of formation of concrete strength and reduces the coefficient of its variation. Owing to this, the strength of the resulting modified fine-grained concrete based on composite cement at the age of 3 days exceeds the strength of the similar concrete without additives by 300 %, and at the age of 27 days – by 25 %. At the same time, the coefficient of variation of strength has a minimum value at the optimal amount of nano additive – water modifier. This allows us to assert the effectiveness of the revealed mechanism of modification of composite cement. Thus, there are reasons to assert the possibility of targeted regulation of the processes of formation of a strong homogeneous structure of fine-grained concrete based on composite cement by using water activated by the mechanism of hydrophilic hydration

Author Biographies

Aleхandra Shіshkina, Kryvyi Rih National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technology of Construction Products, Materials and Structures

Andriy Domnichev, Kryvyi Rih National University

Postgraduate Student

Department of Technology of Construction Products, Materials and Structures


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Ensuring uniformity of strength of fine-grained concrete based on modified composite cement




How to Cite

Shіshkina A., & Domnichev, A. (2024). Ensuring uniformity of strength of fine-grained concrete based on modified composite cement. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(6 (127), 47–53. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2024.296898



Technology organic and inorganic substances