The concept of forming a system of change management in the domain of railroad passenger transportation in Ukraine under the conditions of war




railroad passenger transportation, the concept of formation of a change management system under wartime conditions


The object of research is railroad passenger transportation.

The subject of research is a change management system.

The problem to be solved is to improve the efficiency of railroad transport enterprises in the field of passenger transportation by introducing a change management system.

In the study, the concept of the formation of a change management system in the field of passenger transportation of railroad transport in Ukraine under wartime conditions was devised. Since the conditions of war refer to a variety of emergencies, the concept of "emergency situation", its types, characteristics, and signs that describe its existence are considered. The conditions of emergencies are defined.

The properties of total and hybrid war affect the fundamental features of the state management of railroad passenger transport in Ukraine, the work of state departments and railroad passenger transport management enterprises. Taking into account the peculiarities of each type of war and the principles of the state, a system of interconnection of the features and principles of the state management of railroad passenger transportation with possible aggressive changes under wartime conditions was built.

Such a system is the core of the devised concept of formation and modeling a change management system in the field of railroad passenger transportation in Ukraine under war conditions. Within the framework of the concept, a strategy is formed – a set of actions during an emergency of a military nature.

Based on this concept, in the future, it is possible to construct stages of research, the existence of which could make it possible to build a model of the concept, namely the processes of forming a system of changes

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Bobyl, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Finance, Accounting and Psychology

Oleksii Matusevych, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Finance, Accounting and Psychology

Maryna Dron, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Finance, Accounting and Psychology

Artem Taranenko, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Department of Finance, Accounting and Psychology

Postgraduate Student


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The concept of forming a system of change management in the domain of railroad passenger transportation in Ukraine under the conditions of war




How to Cite

Bobyl, V., Matusevych, O., Dron, M., & Taranenko, A. (2024). The concept of forming a system of change management in the domain of railroad passenger transportation in Ukraine under the conditions of war. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(13 (127), 14–21.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology