Devising a procedure for integrated modeling of riverbed shape in the area of bridge crossing in order to avoid dangerous washing erosion




riverbed, bridge crossing, flood, hydromorphodynamics of riverbed flows, canalized riverbed, Google Earth systems


The object of research is a riverbed in the area of a bridge crossing, which is subject to the action of high water during the passage of a flood.

The selection of parameters and contours of the scheme of the river section was carried out using a mathematical model of the flow and deformation of the bed of the riverbed before and after the change of its shape. It was established that the assignment of parameters of the operational slot should be performed on the basis of the principle of creating natural analogs of riverbed shapes, riverbed and floodplain terraces, with the use of mathematical modeling.

To reduce erosion in the area of bridge crossings, it is proposed to regulate the riverbed by constructing a canalized riverbed. Modeling according to this option showed that the erosion in the span of a road bridge decreased and did not exceed 1.5 m. In addition, it was established that a significant role in ensuring the stability of the river is played by the vegetation cover in floodplain areas.

Using the method of mathematical modeling, it was established that the area near the convex bank with a width of 150 m is subject to the strongest erosion in the design of the supports. Siltation of the existing left-bank bottom basin is also observed.

It is recommended to make a decision to carry out restorative cutting of riverbed alignment annually after receiving a flood forecast from the local hydrometeorological station. In the case of a high flood warning, work should be carried out to clear the sleeves on the approach to the construction of the bridge deck.

It was established that the most stable shape of riverbeds is in the form of curvilinear incomplete meandering when the radii of curvature R and the width of the riverbed B satisfy the ratio R=(4...7) B at riverbed-forming flow rate. At the same time, radii of curvature R<3.5 B should not be allowed, as this leads to separation of the flow from the convex bank and excessive erosion of the concave bank

Author Biographies

Artur Onyshchenko, National Transport University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Bridges and Tunnels and Hydrotechnical Structures

Вorys Ostroverkh, Institute of Hydromechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

PhD, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher

Department of Wave and channel flows Hydrodynamics

Liudmyla Potapenko, Institute of Hydromechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Department of Wave and Channel Flows Hydrodynamics

Vitalii Kovalchuk, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Railway Transport

Oleksandr Zdolnyk, National Transport University

Postgraduate Student

Department of Bridges and Tunnels and Hydrotechnical Structures

Andriy Pentsak, Lviv Polytechnic National University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Building Production


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Devising a procedure for integrated modeling of riverbed shape in the area of bridge crossing in order to avoid dangerous washing erosion




How to Cite

Onyshchenko, A., Ostroverkh В., Potapenko, L., Kovalchuk, V., Zdolnyk, O., & Pentsak, A. (2024). Devising a procedure for integrated modeling of riverbed shape in the area of bridge crossing in order to avoid dangerous washing erosion. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(1 (127), 23–32.



Engineering technological systems