Determining directions for transforming the organization's competence structure depending on its life cycle stage in the context of enabling effective operation in the market




competent organization, organization competencies, organization development, organization management, management task


The object of research is the process of functioning of organizations at different stages of the life cycle (LC). Papers addressing the management of organizations ignore the need for them to acquire competence to successfully solve the tasks of each stage. This directed the research to the definition of priority management tasks, determined by the nature of activity at different stages of LC, and the competencies necessary for their solution. The directions of the transformation of the structure of organizational competence due to the change in the frequency of reference by heads of organizations to its members in the process of solving tasks have been determined. The importance of functional and basic component competencies at the birth stage was noted (36.7 and 38.7 % of reference in the total number). The increase in the frequency of reference to the competencies of synergistic, key, and strategic components (3.4; 2.2; 1.66 times) at the stage of intensive growth is explained by the organization gaining authority in business circles, the possibility of its use for lobbying organizational interests. Among the competences at the stage of maturity, representatives of the synergistic and functional components prevail – the increase in the frequency of reference by 1.44 and 1.1 times, respectively. The share of reference to the competences of the basic component is also high (40 %). At the stage of decline, functional and basic competencies remained important (36.9 and 39.5 %), in particular, the competencies of managers in ensuring the most painless liquidation of the organization.

A distinctive feature of the study is the addition of the procedure for determining the stage of LC with a list of priority tasks and the competencies necessary for their solution. This made it possible to understand the directions of the transformation of competence, to identify the need for the development of competences due to the organization's position on the life cycle curve or its change

Author Biographies

Inna Gruzina, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management and Business

Tetyana Lepeyko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Department of Management and Business

Kateryna Lohinova, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management and Business

Ivanna Pererva, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management and Business

Olga Myronova, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management and Business


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Determining directions for transforming the organization's competence structure depending on its life cycle stage in the context of enabling effective operation in the market




How to Cite

Gruzina, I., Lepeyko, T., Lohinova, K., Pererva, I., & Myronova, O. (2024). Determining directions for transforming the organization’s competence structure depending on its life cycle stage in the context of enabling effective operation in the market. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(13 (128), 91–102.



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology