Determining rational parameters for the treatment of concentrated wastewater from etching site by using combined systems producing sediments of predefined composition
pickling and degreasing solutions, parameters, magnetic device, sediment of predefined compositionAbstract
The object of this study is model solutions, spent sulfuric acid and chloride acid etching solutions, degreasing of metal products at enterprises.
The paper reports results of research on the possibility of obtaining sediments of predefined composition and reducing the consumption of chemical reagents in comparison with conventional cleaning schemes. The systematization of the elements of the technological scheme has been shown, which provides for the treatment of concentrated wastewater of the etching area in combined systems with obtaining sediments of predefined composition and is the basis for the implementation of resource-saving technology. Rational parameters were established for the state (рН=3‒4, Eh=+0.3‒+0.33 V, and rH2=16.3–19.38 V) and technological parameters (degree of iron extraction ψ=0.8, reagent consumption from the stoichiometric norm of B=0.8). Such parameters provide the proper conditions for the oxidation of organic compounds and their co-precipitation with insoluble iron hydroxy compounds (the maximum degree of extraction of organic impurities is 86 %). The formed precipitate corresponds to the FeOOH.nH2O composition, contains 2‒3 % of organic impurities, and is subject to burial. As a result of studies on the treatment of concentrated iron-containing wastewater, the obtained sediment is ready for further utilization by processing. The composition of this sediment corresponds to the natural mineral limonite FeOOH (Fe2O3.nH2O) and is formed at pH values from 3.5 to 7.5 with rH2 values from 26 V to 21 V and at technological regeneration parameters of pH=4.0–4.6; rH2 =23.34–32.25 V.
As a result of research into the deep purification of wastewater using a magnetic device, a suspension of sediment of ferromagnetic impurities (hydroxo compounds of iron) is obtained, which could be the basis for extraction or production of magnetically favorable dispersed material.
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