Construction of a fuzzy model for managing the process of forming IT-competences
fuzzy logic, IT competencies, adaptive educational environment, human capital, individualization of learning, digitalization of education, preschool organizationsAbstract
The relevance of this study is predetermined by the lack of models and algorithms for managing the formation of IT competencies in children of senior preschool age in the information and educational environment of a preschool organization. The object of the study is the process of managing the formation of IT competencies in children of senior preschool age. The problem under study is the need to build an effective system for assessing and managing the level of IT competencies, taking into account the uncertainty and subjectivity of assessments, as well as ensuring flexibility and adaptability of the process of developing competencies.
The constructed model based on fuzzy logic takes into account the uncertainty of assessments and decomposes competencies into indicators of achievement (low, medium, high levels). The production model of knowledge representation based on fuzzy inference rules enables control adaptability. As a result, recommendations were compiled for assessing and developing competencies taking into account the individual characteristics of children and the educational environment.
The approaches and tools proposed in this study help improve the quality of preschool education by providing teachers with effective tools for managing the educational process in the context of digitalization. The essence of the results is to build a model that makes it possible to integrate uncertain and subjective data into the process of assessing IT competencies, providing more accurate and objective assessments.
The results could be used in the information and educational environments of preschool organizations, as well as in education systems that introduce modern technologies for assessing and managing competencies
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kainizhamal Iklassova, Aliya Aitymova, Oxana Kopnova, Ainagul Sarzhanova, Gulmira Abildinova, Agibay Kushumbayev, Zhanat Aitymov

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