Determining the number of small-sized radars in a network with coherent signal processing for the detection of stealth aerial vehicles




small-sized radar, aerial object detection, number of network elements, conditional probability of correct detection


The object of this study is the process of determining the number of small-sized radars in the network when detecting stealth unmanned aerial vehicles. The main hypothesis of the study assumed that determining the optimal number of small-sized radars in the network will make it possible not to waste unnecessary resources of radars to detect stealth unmanned aerial vehicles.

The main stages of detection of a stealth unmanned aerial vehicle by a network of small-sized radars are:

– reception of the signal reflected from a stealth unmanned aerial vehicle by all small-sized radars of the network;

– coordinated filtering of incoming signals in each small-sized radar;

– compensation of phase shifts in each matched filter;

– coherent addition of output signals from each matched filter at the output of the receivers of each of the N small-sized radars performing reception;

– formation of a complex bypass at the output of the corresponding Doppler channel in each small-sized radar of the network;

– coherent processing of signals from all elements of the network of small-sized radars;

– detection of the output signal from the adder of coherent signals. At the same time, compensation for the random initial phase of signals reflected from a stealth unmanned aerial vehicle is also performed.

It has been established that the increase in the elements of the network of small-sized radars increases the value of the conditional probability of correct detection. Such an increase is more significant when the number of elements in the network of small-sized radars is increased to two or three. The gain in the signal/noise ratio when adding elements to the network of small-sized radars was evaluated. It was established that the optimal number of small-sized radars in a network with coherent signal processing when detecting stealth unmanned aerial vehicles is 2‒3 radars

Author Biographies

Hennadii Khudov, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Radar Troops Tactic

Oleksandr Makoveichuk, Academician Y. Bugay International Scientific and Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Sciences and Software Engineering

Ihor Butko, International Scientific and Technical University named after academician Yury Bugai

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Sciences and Software Engineering

Mykhajlo Murzin, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

PhD, Leading Researcher

Scientific Research Department of Air Force

Andrii Zvonko, Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Rocket Artillery Armament

Anatolii Adamenko, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

PhD, Senior Researcher

Scientific Research Department (Operational (Combat) Support of the Air Force)

Dmytro Bashynskyi, State Research Institute of Aviation

PhD, Leading Research

Research Department of Development and Modernization of Aviation Technology

Oleh Salnyk, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Senior Researcher

Scientific Research Department of the Air Force

Andrii Nyshchuk, Scientific-Research Institute of Military Intelligence

PhD, Senior Researcher

Scientific Research Department

Vladyslav Khudov, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Junior Researcher

Department of Information Technology Security


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Determining the number of small-sized radars in a network with coherent signal processing for the detection of stealth aerial vehicles




How to Cite

Khudov, H., Makoveichuk, O., Butko, I., Murzin, M., Zvonko, A., Adamenko, A., Bashynskyi, D., Salnyk, O., Nyshchuk, A., & Khudov, V. (2024). Determining the number of small-sized radars in a network with coherent signal processing for the detection of stealth aerial vehicles. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(9 (129), 37–45.



Information and controlling system