Identification of the energy parameters of an electrohydroimpulse plant for the production of valuable components from organic raw materials




organic waste, bone mass, temperature, bone, spark discharge, energy parameters, secondary resource, recycling


The paper presents the results of experimental studies on the developed bone degreasing stand. The object of the study is the production of valuable components from organic raw materials.

Fractions of cattle crushed to the size of 2.5 mm, 5.2 mm and 10.5 mm were used to identify the effective mode of operation of an electrohydroimpulse installation.

Physical and chemical methods of fat extraction are currently not relevant from the point of view of economy, due to environmental damage and labor intensity. In this regard, new effective methods of extracting fat from bone mass are needed. Therefore, the proposed method of extracting fat by spark discharge is an actual and alternative method for today.

During the study, an acceptable temperature regime for fat production was obtained. Next, a laboratory stand was assembled, with which you can degrease the bone mass without changing the properties of fat.

Experimental studies show that with an increase in the capacity of the capacitor bank in energy storage devices and the length of the discharge gap, the bone degreasing process becomes more efficient. During the study, it was found that at a liquid temperature of 38 °C and a pulse voltage of 25 kV on a switching device of an electrohydroimpulse installation, the degree of fat extraction increases without destroying the morphological structure of bone mass.

Using the hexane extraction reaction, we determined the efficiency of fat extraction at a temperature of 38 °C, at which the fat mass from the bones is effectively broken down, and using the UV-1800 spectrophotometer, we determined the amount of protein in the bones before and after treatment.

The study also showed that with a capacitor bank capacity of 0.5 uF, crushed to a fraction of 10.5 mm of pelvic bone, the separated fat is 18.7 %, and with constant grinding of the capacitor bank to a fraction of 2.5 mm – 19.4 %

Author Biographies

Gulnaz Kartbayeva, Karaganda Buketov University

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Zoology

Moldir Duisenbayeva, Karaganda Buketov University

Doctoral Student

Department of Engineering Thermophysics named after prof. Zh. S. Akylbayev

Bekbolat Nussupbekov, Karaganda Buketov University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Engineering Thermophysics named after prof. Zh. S. Akylbayev

Elmira Mussenova, Karaganda Buketov University

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Department of Physics and Nanotechnology

Zhanaidar Smagulov, Karaganda Buketov University

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Radiophysics and Electronics

Alikhan Kurmanaliev, Karaganda Buketov University

Master's Student

Department of Engineering Thermophysics named after prof. Zh. S. Akylbayev


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Identification of the energy parameters of an electrohydroimpulse plant for the production of valuable components from organic raw materials




How to Cite

Kartbayeva, G., Duisenbayeva, M., Nussupbekov, B., Mussenova, E., Smagulov, Z., & Kurmanaliev, A. (2024). Identification of the energy parameters of an electrohydroimpulse plant for the production of valuable components from organic raw materials. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(11 (129), 6–13.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production