The formation of the concept of robotic monitoring of an underwater environment based on the use of remotely operated vehicles
remotely operated vehicle, water resources monitoring, intelligent control system, monitoring conceptAbstract
To date, water resources monitoring in Ukraine is almost not performed. Major monitoring work is carried out without the use of specialized monitoring systems, though Ukraine has experience in applying remotely operated vehicles. For a more effective monitoring of an underwater environment, it is necessary to create the concept of remotely operated vehicle that could meet the underwater environment lighting requirements.
Existing monitoring tasks were classified into the four groups according to the scope of application. Each group has common, relative to the control system and specific tasks. Since the tasks to be performed by the control system, have common operation modes, there is the possibility to develop its generalized structure.
Generalized hierarchical structure of the automatic control system of remotely operated vehicle was developed to perform the underwater environment monitoring tasks. It contains three levels: strategic, tactical and executive. Implementing individual blocks of this structure is complex scientific and technical problem. The most promising is the use of artificial intelligence tools in the synthesis of elements of these blocks.
Intelligent components of the automatic control system ensure reduction of load on ROV operators and underwater environment monitoring efficiency improvement.
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