Development of a method for assessing the level of digital competencies of higher education teachers based on the calculation of the multidimensional polytope volume




digital competencies, higher education, competency assessment, multidimensional polytope, project-vector management


The object of the study is the method for assessing the level of digital competencies of higher education teachers. Teachers with a high level of digital competencies can create more interactive, interesting and more effective learning materials, which has a positive impact on education quality. The ability to ensure the continuity and quality of the educational process in remote conditions is relevant. To improve the qualification level of teachers, it is necessary to form a measuring system of indicators. A method for calculating the potential for changing the digital competency level was developed and trajectories of forming digital competencies of higher education teachers based on the project-vector methodology were formed. The method was implemented and verified as part of the state project in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of the Higher Education Development National Center and Astana IT University. Testing of 62 teachers of Astana IT University, Karaganda Buketov University and Toraighyrov University was taken as a basis. The analysis involved measuring the achievement of their competency level in four categories: didactic, design, monitoring, and personal. The results obtained allow a systematic approach to the process of assessing and forming the competencies of higher education teachers. The result obtained is due to integrating the project-vector management methodology into the process of digital competency assessment. The value of the method is the possibility of using it both personally by teachers to track the level of competency achievement, and by the management of higher educational institutions for motivation and when signing contracts. In the future, the results of the pilot project are planned to be distributed to other higher education institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan. And then extend its results to higher education institutions in Central Asia and Eastern Europe

Author Biographies

Aidos Mukhatayev, "Higher Education Development National Center" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Astana IT University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Chief Researcher

Serik Omirbayev, Astana IT University

Doctor of Economical Sciences, Professor, First Vice-Rector

Oleksandr Kuchanskyi, Astana IT University; Uzhhorod National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor

Department of Computational and Data Science

Department of Informative and Operating Systems and Technologies

Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Astana IT University; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector of the Science and Innovation

Department of Information Technology

Svitlana Biloshchytska, Astana IT University; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Computational and Data Science

Department of Information Technology

Safura Omarova, Astana IT University

Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctoral Student

Department of General Educational Disciplines


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Development of a method for assessing the level of digital competencies of higher education teachers based on the calculation of the multidimensional polytope volume




How to Cite

Mukhatayev, A., Omirbayev, S., Kuchanskyi, O., Biloshchytskyi, A., Biloshchytska, S., & Omarova, S. (2024). Development of a method for assessing the level of digital competencies of higher education teachers based on the calculation of the multidimensional polytope volume. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(4 (130), 26–34.



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