Development of functional health nanodrinks based on milk whey


  • Раиса Юрьевна Павлюк Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Traders Str. Klochkivska, 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051, Ukraine
  • Виктория Вадимовна Погарская Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051, Ukraine
  • Татьяна Сергеевна Абрамова Kharkov college processing and food industries KNUA P. Vasilenko Barikadnaya str., 51, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61200, Ukraine
  • Аделина Анатольевна Берестовая Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Str. Klochkivska, 333, Kharkov, 61051, Ukraine
  • Светлана Михайловна Лосева Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051, Ukraine



milk whey, nanostructured additive, cryogenic puree, phytoextract, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, nanodrinks, thickener


The aim of scientific work is the development of the recipe, experimental objectivation of technological regimes, process flowsheet and technology of new drinks based on whey with the use of fine-dispersed frozen additives containing pumpkin, sea buckthorn, bananas in the nanostructured puree form, and also phytoextracts based on natural spices; studying the content of biologically active substances in the new drinks in comparison with analogues; studying quality of the drinks during the storage; development of regulatory documentation; approbation of the new drinks in industrial environment.

Technology and technological process regimes of new types of milk-herbal drinks based on whey are developed and scientifically explained. The new drinks differ from the traditional ones by the addition of frozen fine-dispersed fruit and vegetable additives into the boiling sugar syrup.

Simultaneously defrostation and thermal processing of fruit and vegetable raw materials occur which guarantee the fullest preservation of biologically active and aromatic substances, conservation of natural flavor.

It is found that the drinks have stable homogeneous consistency which does not separate due to the fact that the introduction of additives from pumpkin, buckthorn and bananas have the properties of structurants and thickeners. The results were confirmed by IR spectroscopic analysis, which demonstrated that new lactic herbal drinks are 2 times longer stored and the content of BAS such as ascorbic acid, phenol compounds, tannins, pectin, essential amino acids, etc. Exceed the known analogues and possess potential immunomodulatory properties. Thus, they can be referred to as health products recommended for healthy diet.

On the basis of the results was made possible development of the Scientific Research Project on nanostructured frozen puree. New types of drinks were degustated and approbated in industrial environment of Kharkov (Ukraine): Ltd "Bogodukhov milk factory" Ltd SUIS "Polyus Ltd".

Author Biographies

Раиса Юрьевна Павлюк, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Traders Str. Klochkivska, 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine

Department of recycling technologies of fruits, vegetables and milk

Виктория Вадимовна Погарская, Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, the State Prize laureate of Ukraine Department of Technology processing of fruits, vegetables and milk

Аделина Анатольевна Берестовая, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Str. Klochkivska, 333, Kharkov, 61051

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Department of recycling technologies of fruits, vegetables and milk

Светлана Михайловна Лосева, Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051

Department of Technology processing of fruits, vegetables and milk


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How to Cite

Павлюк, Р. Ю., Погарская, В. В., Абрамова, Т. С., Берестовая, А. А., & Лосева, С. М. (2014). Development of functional health nanodrinks based on milk whey. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(10(72), 59–64.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production