Determining the stability of a fire truck tanker against overturning while driving through crossed forest terrain




fire truck, forest terrain, fluctuation of the center of mass, optimal route model


The object of this study is to consider dynamic processes in the tank of a fire truck with different levels of water filling. The task to be solved is to determine the data on the fluctuation of the center of mass of a dynamic system, which consists of the water tank of a fire truck tanker truck, when it moves through rough forest terrain at different speeds. The data make it possible to predict the danger of a fire truck tipping over. In the process of solving the task, an estimation model of a fire truck tanker truck was built together with a water tank, using the LS-Dyna dynamic systems simulation software package. In order to reproduce the dynamic impact on the fire truck tanker with the water capacity exerted by the relief of the rugged forest area, the time dependences of the angles of current position of the fire truck tanker – roll angle, yaw, and pitch – were established. The resulting dependences were used as boundary conditions to reproduce the dynamic influence of the terrain. The turning angles of the water tank of a fire truck were determined depending on the unevenness of the terrain, the geometry of which was calculated by a pseudo-random number generator. Using the explicit method for integrating the dynamics equations, implemented in the code of the LS-Dyna software package, the patterns of fluctuations of the center of mass of the water tank of the fire truck tanker depending on the level of filling and speed of movement were defined.

Using results from the mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in the fire truck tanker, a numerical algorithm was developed for this fire truck tanker to maintain its stability against overturning. Therefore, the results of this study have a direct practical application in the field of fire truck tanker design safety and could be used to improve and devise new technologies in this field

Author Biographies

Kamran Almazov, Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Department of Fire Safety Specialty Subjects

Serhii Pozdieiev, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Safety of Construction and Occupational Safety

Olexandr Tarasenko, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Physical-Mathematical Disciplines

Oleh Kulitsa, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Safety of Construction and Occupational Safety

Andrii Kalinovskiy, National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of engineering and emergency rescue equipment

Ivan Chornomaz, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Fire Tactics and Emergency Rescue Works


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Determining the stability of a fire truck tanker against overturning while driving through crossed forest terrain




How to Cite

Almazov, K., Pozdieiev, S., Tarasenko, O., Kulitsa, O., Kalinovskiy, A., & Chornomaz, I. (2024). Determining the stability of a fire truck tanker against overturning while driving through crossed forest terrain. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(7 (132), 75–86.



Applied mechanics