Devising a method for determining the coordinates of an unmanned aerial vechicle via a network of portable spectrum analyzers




unmanned aerial vehicle, network of portable spectrum analyzers, differential remote sensing method


The object of this study is the process of determining the coordinates of unmanned aerial vehicles. The study hypothesis assumed that the use of a network of portable spectrum analyzers could make it possible to detect the signals of the on-board systems of an unmanned aerial vehicle and reduce the mean square error in determining its coordinates.

A method for determining the coordinates of an unmanned aerial vehicle using a network of portable spectrum analyzers has been improved, which, unlike known ones, allows for the following:

– using signals of on-board equipment of an unmanned aerial vehicle;

– using a network of portable spectrum analyzers;

– application of both the triangulation and the difference-ranging method for determining the coordinates of an unmanned aerial vehicle by a network of portable spectrum analyzers;

– carrying out spectral analysis of the signals of the on-board systems of the unmanned aerial vehicle (carried out additionally if necessary).

Experimental studies have shown the capabilities of a portable spectrum analyzer to receive signals and display their spectra and spectrograms.

The accuracy in determining the coordinates of an unmanned aerial vehicle by a network of portable spectrum analyzers was evaluated. It has been established:

– the use of a network of portable spectrum analyzers significantly reduces the root mean square error in measuring the coordinates of an unmanned aerial vehicle by approximately 50 % compared to the error of one portable spectrum analyzer;

– as the distance from the network elements of portable spectrum analyzers increases, the mean square error increases.

– the use of a network of portable spectrum analyzers reduces the root mean square error in determining the coordinates of an unmanned aerial vehicle by an average of 2.29–2.62 times compared to the radar P-19MA, depending on the range

Author Biographies

Hennadii Khudov, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Radar Troops Tactic

Oleksandr Makoveichuk, Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Sciences and Software Engineering

Oleksandr Kostyria, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher

Department of Radar Troops of Anti Air Defence

Ihor Butko, Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Computer Sciences and Software Engineering

Andrii Poliakov, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics; Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Assistant Professor

Department of Information Systems

Department of Applied Mathematics

Yaroslav Kozhushko, State Scientific Research Institute of Armament and Military Equipment Testing and Certification

PhD, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher

Serhii Yarovyi, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Combat Use of Radar Armament

Oleksii Serdiuk, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University


Department of Tactics of the Radio Engineering Troops

Petro Mynko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Higher Mathematics

Rostyslav Khudov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Department of Theoretical and Applied Informatics


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Devising a method for determining the coordinates of an unmanned aerial vechicle via a network of portable spectrum analyzers




How to Cite

Khudov, H., Makoveichuk, O., Kostyria, O., Butko, I., Poliakov, A., Kozhushko, Y., Yarovyi, S., Serdiuk, O., Mynko, P., & Khudov, R. (2024). Devising a method for determining the coordinates of an unmanned aerial vechicle via a network of portable spectrum analyzers. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(9 (132), 97–107.



Information and controlling system