Possibilities of integrating artificial intelligence technologies into the system of accounting and analytical support to public sector entitie





artificial intelligence, cloud technologies, automation, accounting, analysis, public sector


The object of this study is artificial intelligence technologies in the system of accounting and analytical support to public sector entities.

This paper addresses the task related to the possibility of integrating artificial intelligence technologies into the accounting and analytical support system of public sector entities. The key differences between conventional accounting automation and artificial intelligence technologies in the system of accounting and analytical support have been determined. Analysis of investment volumes for the introduction of artificial intelligence, including in the accounting system, was carried out. It was established that according to forecasts for 2025 the amount of investment in the field of artificial intelligence for the automation of accounting and reporting will grow actively: in the USA (USD 45–50 billion), China (USD 30–35 billion), Germany (USD 15–18 billion), Japan (USD 13–15 billion), Great Britain (USD 12–15 billion). Analysis of the characteristics and cost of integrating modern artificial intelligence technologies into the system of accounting and analytical support was carried out. Zoho Books AI cloud technology, which in terms of cost and properties is most suitable for integration into the system of accounting and analytical support of public sector entities, has been identified as recommended. The key factors of the impact of artificial intelligence on the automation of the accounting and analytical support system, which lead to saving time on document processing, reporting and data analysis, have been determined. Based on the calculation results, it was determined that as a result of the integration of Zoho Books AI technology into the accounting and analytical support system, time will be reduced by 2164 hours/year, which will lead to the optimization of public funds

Author Biographies

Tetiana Larikova, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Tax Management and Financial Monitoring

Pavlo Ivankov, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University

PhD Student

Department of Information Systems in Management and Accounting

Liudmyla Novichenko, National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Accounting, Audit and Taxation

Kydysiuk Khrystyna, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD Student

Department of Accounting Technologies and Taxation


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Possibilities of integrating artificial intelligence technologies into the system of accounting and analytical support to public sector entitie




How to Cite

Larikova, T., Ivankov, P., Novichenko, L., & Khrystyna, K. (2024). Possibilities of integrating artificial intelligence technologies into the system of accounting and analytical support to public sector entitie. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6(13 (132), 88–97. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2024.319051



Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology