An interval method for identifying equivalent engine load parameters


  • Микола Володимирович Костерєв National technical university of Ukraine “Kyiv polytechnic institute” Peremohy avenue 37, Kiev, Ukraine, 03056, Ukraine
  • Володимир Валерійович Літвінов Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy Lenin avenue 226, Zaporizhia, Ukraine, 69006, Ukraine



asynchronous engine, equivalent circuit, load node, interval estimation, genetic algorithm


We have devised a method for identifying parameters of an equivalent circuit for an equivalent asynchronous engine in the load node of the energy system. The suggested method uses available for measurement load node parameters as input information. An advantage of the method consists in identifying intervals for each parameter of the equivalent circuit. This allows considering the change of engines’ composition in the load node as well as the change of their wear-out characteristics.

The obtained optimization task has a complex structure since there are many restrictions in the form of inequalities; that is why it is solved by means of a genetic algorithm. The latter applies genetic operators for “hybridization” and “mutation”. Determined parameter values of an engine equivalent circuit can be identified within the obtained intervals at any moment with the help of the formed reverse optimization task that is also solved by means of the genetic algorithm.

The devised method should be used for solving the tasks of risk-oriented electrical power systems management, for calculating their regimes on-line, and for predictive calculations.

Author Biographies

Микола Володимирович Костерєв, National technical university of Ukraine “Kyiv polytechnic institute” Peremohy avenue 37, Kiev, Ukraine, 03056

Doctor of Science, Professor

Central Power Plants Department

Володимир Валерійович Літвінов, Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy Lenin avenue 226, Zaporizhia, Ukraine, 69006

Philosophy Doctor in Electrical Engineering, Associate Professor

Hydro Power Department


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How to Cite

Костерєв, М. В., & Літвінов, В. В. (2015). An interval method for identifying equivalent engine load parameters. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(3(73), 15–20.



Control processes