Analysis of admissibility of central tendency measures to estimate aviation operator progress
flight safety, aviation operators, training models, operator's permanent personal characteristicsAbstract
Human role in ensuring flight safety in the system " flight crew – aircraft – medium – air traffic service unit" is considered. The possibility of the training process modeling using stochastic models is shown. The components of the stationary stochastic model of the aviation operator training process were determined. Eleven central tendency measures: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, three previous measures using weight coefficients, median, mode, Tukey's test, trimmed mean, Winsorized mean and implementation of so-called "bottleneck planning" as potential indicators of aviation operator's permanent personal characteristics were examined.
For each of the potential indicators of permanent personal characteristics, their mathematical properties were analyzed and compared with the requirements arising from the application features. The necessity to synthesize a single parameter, which will be based on the requirements of the real process was substantiated.
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