Research of thixotropy of emulsion sauce with buttermilk concentrate during storage


  • Тетяна Іллівна Юдіна Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics st. Kyoto, 19, Kiev, Ukraine, 02156, Ukraine



emulsion sauce, dry milk-protein concentrate with buttermilk, thixotropy


The paper provides the technology of the emulsion sauce (ES) using dry milk-protein concentrate (DMPC) with buttermilk with the fat content of 30%, which allows to expand the range of emulsion sauces with high nutritional and biological value, rationally use protein-carbohydrate raw milk.

Thixotropic properties of the developed emulsion sauce using DMPC with buttermilk were investigated. Based on rheological studies, it was found that the emulsion sauce does not lose the ability to restore the structure and has thixotropic properties after 24, 72 hours and 90 days of storage at 4±2°C. The equations of effective viscosity of the emulsion sauce hysteresis loop after 24, 48 and 72 hours of storage were given. The results confirm the ES shelf life, previously established based on microbiological studies - 72 hours without preservative and 90 days with the preservative. With the specified shelf life, the developed emulsion sauce using dry milk-protein concentrate with buttermilk is within excellent quality.

Author Biography

Тетяна Іллівна Юдіна, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics st. Kyoto, 19, Kiev, Ukraine, 02156

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Technology and the organization of restaurant business


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How to Cite

Юдіна, Т. І. (2015). Research of thixotropy of emulsion sauce with buttermilk concentrate during storage. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(6 (73), 61–65.