Improvement of equipment for manufacture of vegetable convenience foods


  • Людмила Василівна Кіптела Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade Str. Klochkovskaya 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051, Ukraine
  • Олексій Євгенович Загорулько Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade Str. Klochkovskaya 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051, Ukraine
  • Андрій Миколайович Загорулько Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade Str. Klochkovskaya 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051, Ukraine



convenience foods, intensification, rotary-film unit, roller IR dryer, vegetable


In view of the difficult ecological situation in Ukraine and other European countries, there is an increasing demand for vegetable convenience foods, including fruit and vegetable raw materials that contain significant amounts of biologically active substances. To improve vegetable raw material processing, technical modernization of enterprises with effective and reliable equipment that has high performance, efficiency and reliability that will allow to substantially eliminate damage and loss of foods due to short duration and low-temperature conditions of their heat treatment with simultaneous sterilization is proposed. The studies allow to improve manufacturing equipment of the canning industry for the production of fruit powders. Efficiency of thickening fruit puree in a rotary film unit to the dry matter (DM) content of 30-40% by creating a sustainable turbulent mood of the coolant in the heating membrane of the unit was increased. Further final drying of the fruit paste is carried out in the modernized roller IR dryer to the DM content of 85...92%. Thus, the studies allow to upgrade existing equipment of canning plants for vegetable raw material conversion into high-quality powder convenience foods with high content of biologically active substances that can be used in almost all food industries, pharmacology as an impurity and in kind.

Author Biographies

Людмила Василівна Кіптела, Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade Str. Klochkovskaya 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051

Professor, Doctor of technical sciences

The department of processes, devices and automation of food production

Олексій Євгенович Загорулько, Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade Str. Klochkovskaya 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051

Associate professor, Candidate of technical science

The department of processes, devices and automation of food production

Андрій Миколайович Загорулько, Kharkov State University of Food Technology and Trade Str. Klochkovskaya 333, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61051

PhD student

The department of processes, devices and automation of food production


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How to Cite

Кіптела, Л. В., Загорулько, О. Є., & Загорулько, А. М. (2015). Improvement of equipment for manufacture of vegetable convenience foods. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(10(74), 4–8.



Technology and Equipment of Food Production