Analysis of meat production of functional use for correction of iodine deficiency
functional meat products, iodine deficiency, algae, kelp, fucusAbstract
The article contains a review of the available literature on nutrition problem of people that live in ecologically unfavorable conditions and regions with iodine deficiency. The issues of the possibility of iodine deficiency correction by introducing a diet of meat products of functional use are discussed in details. The possibility of using these products as part of a variety of sources of organic and mineral iodine. It was found that the most affordable way is to use the iodized salt, but this approach has a number of controversial issues, which are completely eliminated while using the organic iodine.
One of the most accessible sources of organic iodine in Ukraine are the algae, which also contain a molecular iodine synergist - selenium, which is actively involved in the production of thyroid hormones. Ratio iodine:selenium is 1.0:0.7 that is optimal for synthesis of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The author of the report is focuses on the use of algae as well as on preparations based on it with the technologies of meat products production with functional ingredients to eliminate the risk of goitrogenic diseases.
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