Effect of vegetable powder on the properties of pancake batter and semifinished products





vegetable powders, pancake batter, semi-finished product, sedimentation stability, adhesion, tensile strength, optimization


Today, fast food restaurants are very popular among young people. In the assortment of culinary products of "Bistro" type restaurants, a significant share is occupied by pastry and confectionery, namely, crepes and pancakes. In modern conditions, the problems of creating dietary food products, including a reduction in energy and the improvement of the nutritional value, enrichment with biologically active components become important. One of the ways to solve this issue is using fruit and vegetable powders in manufacturing culinary products.

The purpose of the paper was to study the effect of vegetable powders on the properties of pancake batter and semi-finished products.

Doses of vegetable powders to the pancake batter recipe mixture were selected. The influence of selected doses of vegetable powders on the organoleptic assessment of ready semi-finished products was investigated. As rational, providing a high organoleptic rating of semi-finished products, powders from cabbage – 6 %, artichoke – 8 %, spinach – 4 % were taken. In this case, to improve the color of semi-finished products with artichoke powder, natural food dye, which gives a nice golden color to the product was added.

A study of the adhesion strength of experimental samples was performed. It is shown that adding vegetable powders - from artichoke and spinach allows to give antiadhesion property to the batter. When using cabbage powder, batter adhesion slightly increases compared with the other samples.

The forms of moisture binding in batter samples with vegetable powders were studied using nuclear magnetic resonance. It was found that moisture is bound and retained largely in batter systems with vegetable powders compared to the control.

The batter-making process optimization in terms of tensile strength of the baked semi-finished product (b) depending on the dose of vegetable powders (X1) and the batter stoving time (X2) was carried out. Extremum points for semi-finished products with vegetable powders: from cabbage - X1max=5,1 %, X2max=4 min, Ymax=7,8•103 Pa; artichoke - X1max=7,9 %, X2max=20 min, Ymax=9,3•103 Pa; spinach - X1max=2,8 %, X2max=13 min, Ymax=7,9•103, Pa were found.

Author Biographies

Олександра Володимирівна Нєміріч, National University of Food Technology Nauki av., 26, Kiev, Ukraine, 03028

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of Foodstuff Expertise

Тетяна Анатоліївна Тарасенко, st. Klochkovskaya 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051

Department of general and food chemistry

Оксана Олександрівна Петруша, National University of Food Technology Nauki av., 26, Kiev, Ukraine, 03028


Department of Foodstuff Expertise

Оксана Миколаївна Вашека, National University of Food Technology Nauki av., 26, Kiev, Ukraine, 03028


Department of Foodstuff Expertise

Андрій Володимирович Гавриш, National University of Food Technology st. Petritskogo, 12, k. 715, Kiev, Ukraine, 03115

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Molecular and avant-garde gastronomy

Віра Володимирівна Заєць, National University of Food Technology st. Heroes Kosmas, 19, Apt. 137, Kiev, Ukraine, 03148

Department of Molecular and avant-garde gastronomy


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How to Cite

Нєміріч, О. В., Тарасенко, Т. А., Петруша, О. О., Вашека, О. М., Гавриш, А. В., & Заєць, В. В. (2015). Effect of vegetable powder on the properties of pancake batter and semifinished products. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(10(74), 45–49. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2015.40022



Technology and Equipment of Food Production