Development of refrigeration system for the primary low-temperature processing and storage of small-seeded crops grain
small-seeded grain storage, refrigeration systems, heat transfer in dense fixed bed, container and stationary primary refrigerated processing systemsAbstract
The analysis of various aspects of the refrigerated storage of grain on elevators in Ukraine, CIS and the world was performed. The advantage of the refrigeration method in terms of quality and energy saving was shown. A comparative analysis of various types of refrigeration machines operating on ozone-friendly refrigerants - gas, vapor compression, absorption, steam jet was carried out.
It is shown that at the presence of waste heat, using heat-driven refrigeration machines is economically advantageous. Natural refrigerant - ammonia, which has also superior environmental characteristics has the greatest prospects in mobile grain refrigeration systems.
Experimental studies of convective heat exchange between the stationary bulk of small-seeded grain and cooled air were conducted, criterion equation which takes into account the physical and geometrical parameters of refrigerated processing was obtained. It is shown that small-seeded crops grain refrigeration to the temperature below ambient temperature is accompanied by a partial draining for rapeseed and millet, the maximum moisture entrainment occurs at the beginning of refrigerated processing.
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