
  • Виктор Иванович Носуленко Kirovograd National Technical University Universitetskiy 8, Kirovograd, 25009, Ukraine
  • Петр Николаевич Великий Kirovograd National Technical University Universitetskiy 8, Kirovograd, 25009, Ukraine
  • Михаил Иванович Москаленко Kirovograd National Technical University Universitetskiy 8, Kirovograd, 25009, Ukraine
  • Ольга Сергеевна Чумаченко Kirovograd National Technical University Universitetskiy 8, Kirovograd, 25009, Ukraine



magnetic field, arc self-splitting, non-stationary discharges.


Electroerosive processing of stationary discharge in fluid crossflow is a famous technological process, but physical mechanism of inherent regulation of discharge and, in particular, the importance of magnetic field, had not been examined thoroughly. For the first time, the experimental research of magnetic fields of such discharge was carried out. The transducers were produced from ferromagnetic material, which changes their properties in magnetic field. There were also transducers that use Hall effect and formation of electromotive force under the influence of magnetic field. The measuring during the electric charge helped to establish the dependence of magnetic value from the current stress, dynamic fluid pressure and the distance between the transducer and the radiation source. The measurements were taken at current stress 25-450A, voltage 30 V, and statistic fluid pressure in pressurized cabin 0,5-1,5 MPa. Interelectrode gap was 0,1 mm. the diagrams of dependence of magnetic induction of discharge from the current strength and dynamic fluid pressure were drawn. Magnetic induction and intensity of discharge magnetic field during electroerosive processing is vastly higher than of electric arc of the same current strength in the air. Such magnetic field causes various magnetic-hydrodynamic phenomena in discharge area, as well as its heating and formation of new conducting plasma channels. The existence of powerful magnetic field of stationary arc discharge in fluid crossflow helps by the influence on the fluid flow discharge to manage its energy and spatial parameters and, correspondingly, to expand technological possibilities.

Author Biographies

Виктор Иванович Носуленко, Kirovograd National Technical University Universitetskiy 8, Kirovograd, 25009


Department of treatment of metals by pressure

Петр Николаевич Великий, Kirovograd National Technical University Universitetskiy 8, Kirovograd, 25009


Department of treatment of metals by pressure

Михаил Иванович Москаленко, Kirovograd National Technical University Universitetskiy 8, Kirovograd, 25009


Department of electrical engineering

Ольга Сергеевна Чумаченко, Kirovograd National Technical University Universitetskiy 8, Kirovograd, 25009


Department of economies and organizations of production


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How to Cite

Носуленко, В. И., Великий, П. Н., Москаленко, М. И., & Чумаченко, О. С. (2012). INHERENT MAGNETIC FIELD OF DISCHARGE AT ELECTROEROSIVE PROCESSING. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(5(59), 45–51.



Applied physics