Analyzing the overall performance of air coolers of the equipment for primary oil refining




air cooler, heat flow, thermal potential energy, heat capacity / thermal capacity


The paper presents findings on the efficiency of air coolers of the equipment for primary oil refining. The research has revealed that in the process of condensation of light fractions of oil products, air coolers emit into the environment a high-temperature exhaust gas, which should be used for regenerative heating in heat exchangers. Gases with a complex hydrocarbon composition are supplied with their thermal parameters at the operating temperatures. The heat capacity that can be used to transfer heat energy from hot to cold flows reaches 20 MW. This allows using the heat of the exhaust gases and saving primary energy expended in the production process in the facility for primary processing of oil. Temperature pressure in the air coolers can be reduced by regenerative use of their thermal potential energy for district heating.

Author Biography

Вікторія Ігорівна Кривда, Odessa National Polytechnic University 1 Shevchenko ave., Odessa, 65044


Department of electrical and energy management


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How to Cite

Кривда, В. І. (2015). Analyzing the overall performance of air coolers of the equipment for primary oil refining. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 5(8(77), 29–34.



Energy-saving technologies and equipment